Saturday, July 28, 2007


Hamm Bennett '07 - venue announced

A date is yet to be finalised for the Hamm Bennett 2007, but early indications suggest it will be held at Maryon Wilson Park, Charlton, London.

Long dubbed the "Carnoustie" of the Hamm Bennett roster, Maryon Wilson Park will be a true tennis test and its vicious undulations and unpredictable bounces will surely take their toll. Hamm's recent defection to the German tour could not have come at a worse time. His newly adopted continental ways are widely expected to struggle with the gritty Charlton surface.

Asked whether he was pleased with the choice of venue, Bennett commented: "It will help enormously. I don't know and I don't care what Hamm had been used to in Germany but fancy Dan these courts ain't".

Rumours abound that Bennett has been training solidly since the winter and the latest betting odds reflect the confidence of the market that he will be crowned Hamm Bennett champion for a seventh time.

I've heard that Hamm is using advanced German technology to enhance his chances of winning and will effectively be a superhuman cyborg by the time the match takes place.
I believe that to be true, although Bennett is due to be using the state of the art facilities at The Valley this year to reach the very peak of physical fitness.
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